…and we have a winner!

September 30, 2019
Gaetan Mouveroux is the winner of IBIBO 2019! See you next year!

Qualifications final result

September 29, 2019
With the desperado squad over the qualifications for IBIBO 2019 ends. The list is headed by Apanyakina Ksenia, followed by Stefanidis Georgios and Popa Victor. It seems it will be a hot Sunday!

Day Six

September 26, 2019
After almost six days of bowling the qualification list start to take form. The top 3 places are (for now…): Apanyakina Ksenia (Russian Federation), Popa Victor (Romania) and  Gagenoiu Romeo (Romania) .

Day two

September 22, 2019
After the first day, the qualification list is headed by Paraschiv Lucian. Day two start with some very good throws.

Just one day to IBIBO 2019. Wet rehearsal!

September 20, 2019
It was a very busy week but everything is coming together nice. With just one day remaining is time for … a serious wet rehearsal!